My son has me on the clock

I'm on the clock again today.

I'm used to that as a writer for The Dallas Morning News, but in this case, I'm not on a writing deadline. This deadline was created by 5-year-old son, Ryan.

Ryan has become fascinated with the timer on our oven at home. He wants to have a timer counting down everything, including my workday. So he likes to ask me how many hours until I will come home, and then he sets the timer.

On weekends, he also sets the timer for the time until lunch or dinner. He also sets the timer when I go out and mow the lawn and then lets me know if I get done in time.

This morning as I was getting ready for work, Ryan asked me how soon I was leaving. I said in about 10 minutes, and he said, "OK, I'm going to set the timer."

Then I told him I wasn't sure if it would take exactly 10 minutes, and he asked, "Why not?"

If only I could schedule my life this efficiently. I wonder if my editor would ever accept the excuse, "I can't do that story today because the timer is about to go off."

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